Macho Montés Gredos at Sierra de Gredos: 37.216 ha, in Province Ávila.

Hunting season, 1th.March – 15th. June and 15th. September – 15th. December.

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Gredos Ibex - Representative Trophy. Sunrise in Sierra de Gredos.
Hiking in Sierra de Gredos. Spotting for Gredos Ibex.
Gredos Ibex - Capra pyrenaica victoriae. Gredos Ibex.
Gredos Ibex - Trophy Measurement. Observing Ibex in Sierra de Gredos.
The team, taking a long deserved break. This region is a safe bet for Gredos Ibex.
Hunting for Gredos Ibex. Downhill hiking in Sierra de Gredos.
Antonio and Allan with Gredos Ibex. Gredos Ibex near "Puerto Del Peon",
with the characteristic dark coat.